As I mentioned in the last post, the Eastbrook family are belived to have taken their name from the East Brook (now Wantz stream). Digging in the archives at lunch tuned up a copy of the will of one Thomas Esbroke, head of the household, a farmer and churchwarden in Dagenham in the 1550s of which little else is known.
This is his will written in 1556.
In the name of gode Amen. The xvijten Daye of november in the yeare of or Lord gode mvclvjty. I Thomas Esbroke at ye Well of Dagnhm beyng sycke in my body but thankes be to god of a good and purfitt memorye do ordeyn and make thys my prsent testmant and last will as foloweth : ffyrst I bequeth my soule to god ye father Almightie and my body to be burried in the churcheard of Dagnhm. Itm I geue to Jone my wyfe all my fre landes wth th’appurtenances until my heire cum unto the age of xxj yeres-Itm I geue to the sayd Jone my wyfe all my goodes and cattells, she to se me honestly brought on yearthe and to paye all my detts, the wch Jone my sole Executris to se thys my last will performed, as she shall answer. Itm I ordeyn and make Robert genys my ouerseer of they my last will, and he to have for his paynes xijd. Item I geue to Jone gosbye a Shepe. Itm to Thomas Devenysshe vjd. These witnesses : John logson, Willm Downynge and Willyam newman.
(as published under Dagenham Characters in the October 1953 Dagenham Digest. I shall attempt to track down the original copy of this will)