Another clear night saw me trying to capture the comet again. This time with a longer lens. The comet is getting higher in the sky, and today is the closest approach to Earth (so it might be a bit brighter). Still no progress on getting my telescope mount back from the repair place, so I’m …
Category Archives: physics
“An imperfect account of a comet…”
to quote Caroline Herschel. There’s a buzz in the media over the rare green comet that’s whizzing past us right now. It’s fuelled in part by the colour (almost certainly not visible to the eye (especially from light polluted regions)), and in part by spectacular images from big telescopes. I like comets, and try to …
The Tonga Volcano
At around 04:15 UTC on 2022/1/15 the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai Volcano exploded in the Pacific Ocean. A devastating event for anyone close by, and the tsunami generated affected seal levels anywhere with a pacific coast line. The satellite videos of the eruption show a pressure wave spreading out ahead of the dust cloud. The Met …
An older project of mine from my other website has made it to Hackaday. Some interesting comments on the post there, but lots of people overplaying the dangers of mercury.
Angular resolution of the dome of Planetarium of Majorca from Palma
WOW – what a clickbait title that is… Back from having spent a few days between Christmas and New Year in Palma, Majorca. On the last day there I noticed I could just see the dome of the Planetarium of Majorca (or the telescope dome, I’m not sure which) from the hotel terrace. Seeing conditions …
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