Being back in the lab this year has really put a cap on my walking around the borough and stepping on bits of it I’ve not stepped on before. To make things easier (& more complicated) I’ve decided that in 2023, instead of seeking out small patches I’ve not trodden on before, I’ll visit entire streets I’ve not visited before. This is in part inspired by Diamond Geezer’s successful visiting of every map square in London.
I’ve mapped out the boundary of Dagenham (I’m not including Barking in this for now to make things manageable), I’ve already visited many of the streets, by some I can’t quite be sure if I’ve ever walked or cycled along them (I’m not including car or bus journeys), so some will definitely require revisiting, others will be entirely new to me (mostly side streets).
The lower resolution view in the image below doesn’t show many of the smaller streets which I know are there, so it doesn’t look like such a challenge, but I think it’ll take a real effort on my part to have actually visited visit every street by the end of 2023.