I’ve been playing around with a homebrew weather station again, I dusted off the code I’d had running on a spare Raspberry Pi and added a few features to it. It’s now logging temperature, humidity and air pressure. I plan to add some more external sensors as soon as the parts arrive from eBay. The …
Author Archives: David
A delayed update
A coupe of weekends ago I visited the Mayfield Lavender open weekend with Meagen, I meant to write about it at the time, but didn’t get around to it. No problem, Diamond Geezer also visited and wrote up the visit in more detail than I’d get around to here. While there we helped collect Rosemary …
Off to Friedrichshafen
Tech and food. Some spare clothes too.
X-Ray Monday
The X-Ray scanners I use to produce the images for this series of posts are mainly used for producing 3-D data, they are Micro-Tomography scanners, so they don’t produce a large field of view, but thy do provide high resolution. This means images like the one below can be a little hard to decipher if …
X-Ray Monday
What did you get for Easter? I got one of these: