I’m going to be X-Ray scanning a bunch of seasonal themed items for this year’s advent. Here’s the first of them. Answer under the break
Category Archives: engineering
I’ve been playing around with a homebrew weather station again, I dusted off the code I’d had running on a spare Raspberry Pi and added a few features to it. It’s now logging temperature, humidity and air pressure. I plan to add some more external sensors as soon as the parts arrive from eBay. The …
X-Ray Monday
The X-Ray scanners I use to produce the images for this series of posts are mainly used for producing 3-D data, they are Micro-Tomography scanners, so they don’t produce a large field of view, but thy do provide high resolution. This means images like the one below can be a little hard to decipher if …
X-Ray Monday
What did you get for Easter? I got one of these:
Science on the telly
I work on the Apocalypto Project – we read old & damaged scrolls and documents via a combination of x-rays and hardcore maths. We had a moment of fame earlier in the month – the project was mentioned on The One Show. Five minutes of video took a day to film – I wonder how …