A few days ago I built a radio receiver out of junk, because my usual radio had died a death and I wanted to listen to a specific part of the shortwave bands around 3.5 – 4 MHz. Last night I scanned up and down the band and located what sounded like a fax transmission, …
Category Archives: geeking
Eclipse Images.
Between gaps and breaks in the clouds I managed to record pretty much the whole eclipse. The filter I used gave a slight ghoating to the edge of the sun, making it look out of focus.
My luck held out and there were just enough gaps in the cloud to catch the start and maxima of the eclipse. It is pretty much solid cloud now, so I’m not going to see the moon leaving the sun. I’ve taken about a dozen photographs of the progress of the moon across the sun …
Solar Eclipse 2008
Today (if you are reading this in my tomorrow) or tomorrow (if you are reading this today) or at some point in the past (if you are reading this after tomorrow) Scratch that – start again. August 1st, 2008. Solar Eclipse. Moon passing in front of the sun, sky darkening, a bit like August 1999, …
Another view of the dark matter possible-detection
http://cosmicvariance.com/2008/04/21/guest-post-juan-collar-on-dark-matter-detection/ Summary – it’s good, but is it real? Could be many other things.