I’ve been playing around with a homebrew weather station again, I dusted off the code I’d had running on a spare Raspberry Pi and added a few features to it. It’s now logging temperature, humidity and air pressure. I plan to add some more external sensors as soon as the parts arrive from eBay. The …
Category Archives: geeking
Two useful computer tips
Having had two annoying computer issues in the last 24 hours, this is how I fixed them. It’s more a not to myself, but also might get picked up by google and help someone else in the same position. Corrupt MacOS HDD The hard-disk in my spare (ancient) MacBook was found to be corrupt. Booting …
Science on the telly
I work on the Apocalypto Project – we read old & damaged scrolls and documents via a combination of x-rays and hardcore maths. We had a moment of fame earlier in the month – the project was mentioned on The One Show. Five minutes of video took a day to film – I wonder how …
Monumental science
It’s not commonly known that the Monument in London was constructed not only to commemorate the great fire, but also as a scientific laboratory. Two of the great scientists of the day, Hooke and Newton performed experiments in basic physics and materials science. Yesterday evening, some physicists, myself included from Queen Mary University visited with …
Time lapse with a GoPro
I’ve a long standing interested both in experimental photography and time lapse photography. Back in October I picked up a new GoPro camera in the hope of using it for astrophotography, but it tuns out to be rather unsuited to that. The GoPro Hero 3, does have a time lapse mode though, so I’ve been …