I’ve been playing with some time-lapse photography lately. There’s really two things you can do with time-lapse, make a video, or stack the images and get a single dynamic image. I’ve done the latter of the two in this image. It’s around a thousand images taken at five-second intervals over the course of a few …
Category Archives: geeking
Prime Time (-ish)
Today at 2:03:05, the date and time, if you write it in a particular form, is a string of the first six prime numbers: 02:03:05:07:11:13 This only works if you use DD/MM/YY format for the date, and not the American MM/DD/YY, or the more sensible YYYY/MM/DD format. So, just after lunch take a look at …
Spider Season
As autumn draws in we start to see more spiders around the house, what are they are why are there here? The most commonly encountered UK house spider is Tegenaria Duellica, this cute little fellow: I saw fellow because the great majority of these you’ll see are males – you can tell by the …
Astrophotography & Star Trails
While trying to photograph meteors in the Perseids shower recently I ended up taking a lot of longish exposure photographs of the same patch of sky. I was hoping to catch a meteor or several shooting though the frame. Reviewing the photos when I got home I found I caught no meteors, indeed I saw …
Playing Radio
Last weekend a bunch of us from the Havering Amateur Radio Club decamped to a field at the Kelvedon Hatch secret nuclear bunker and set about trying to contact as much of the planet as possible by radio. It was a good excuse to try out my new radio, an Icom 9100, and break out …