I’ve ‘jacked it. Stolen it, I’m going to now post lots of things about fluffy bunnies and lots of stuff about the color pink. oh yeah and I hate marmite! [edit by DTL] You could have at least identified yourself, shortarse.
Category Archives: General
I think the spam load this site attracts has been partially responsible for the server flakyness of late, so things are now set that you need to register as a user to comment now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Engineering I approve of
Are you bored? Then why not make a Thermic Lance out of tin-foil and spaghetti? Go on, you know you want to.
Server problems
The server that hosts this site as well as others of mine and those I host for friends seems to have developed a fault. A hardware fault. Seeing as this server is a virtual server from RedwoodVirtual I don’t quite see how this has happened. I’ll have to notify Redwood and arrange for them to …
Part of the conspiracy
One disadvantage of having a working email address listed on a university physics website is that you tend to get copied into all the 11-9 and 7-7 conspiracy theory messages. People expect you to be able to explain what ‘really’ happened (i.e, agree with everything they say).