Next time you find a wonderful Mother’s Day card, make sure you read it properly. Today isn’t her birthday. Yep, I picked up a birthday card by mistake. Didn’t even realise when I wrote it out, only when she read it…
Category Archives: General
I’ve taken over Daves blog
I’ve ‘jacked it. Stolen it, I’m going to now post lots of things about fluffy bunnies and lots of stuff about the color pink. oh yeah and I hate marmite! [edit by DTL] You could have at least identified yourself, shortarse.
I think the spam load this site attracts has been partially responsible for the server flakyness of late, so things are now set that you need to register as a user to comment now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Engineering I approve of
Are you bored? Then why not make a Thermic Lance out of tin-foil and spaghetti? Go on, you know you want to.
Server problems
The server that hosts this site as well as others of mine and those I host for friends seems to have developed a fault. A hardware fault. Seeing as this server is a virtual server from RedwoodVirtual I don’t quite see how this has happened. I’ll have to notify Redwood and arrange for them to …