Being unemployed should in theory give you lots of spare time. It’s a nice theory, it hasn’t worked out in practice – hence lack of updates here. Job hunting happens and I’m keeping an eye on my old lab and things happening there, I see that two projects I’ve been associated with in the past …
Category Archives: General
WinPic800 + Willem Programmer + Linux
I’ve just solved one of the last problems that had me booting into Windows every so often – being able to program Eproms and Pics. I’d never had much luck running WinPic800 or the eprom software under wine on linux. Now with the updated version of wine I’ve found I can. Yay! The following is …
Last week I joined the ranks of the great unwashed. Not that this has actually stopped me from going to work – I mean I have a job, I’m just not getting paid for it. If nothing else, going to the lab gets me somewhere warm, and stops unwise self experimentation on the effects of …
Talk like a pirate day
In recognition of international talk like a pirate day I shall be wandering up and down the Mile End Road with a plastic carrier bag, accosting all and sundry saying only “DVDs?”
Apple batteries and Virgin Atlantic
I see from Slashdot reports that Virgin Atlantic are banning all Apple and Dell batteries due to potential fire hazards. The fact it is the Sony made batteries that exhibit this fault, and are found in many other laptops besides those made by Apple and Dell seems to have been ignored. At the second security …