I first saw this poem on a poster as part of the Poems on the Underground project run by London Underground. I only saw it once, and could only remember a couple of lines – making it hard to search for. This morning I suddenly remembered much more of the poem and so was able …
Category Archives: General
Reminded of this by a post from Scaryduck today. DTL vs the Fluff-Ball The was and still is a misrable old bastard up the road from me. He walks a yapping bundle of fluff up the road twice per day, letting it shit where ever it wants. Complaints about this are shrugged of with “its …
A collary to the previous post.
Scientists must update their DNS when changing servers else their websites vanish from the ‘net for for a week.
Scientists must write.
“Scientists must write” so says the title of a book on the shelf next to me. I bought the book almost a year ago in Cambridge, aside from a quick flick though on the train home I’ve not read it. I’ve been too busy writing to read a book telling me I should write. I’ve …