Dark matter detected?

Dark matter is that weird stuff that is supposed to make up about 80% of all matter in the universe. It is invisible, and pretty much non-interacting (you can’t see it, and you can’t detect it (easily) by other means).

One way you might detect it is to take a very pure crystal and look for tiny flashes of light inside the crystal caused by a dark matter particle smacking into one of the atoms in the crystal. Nice idea, but insanely hard to do. For a start, natural radioactivity inside your crystal or your light detector will cause many more spurious flashes than there will be ‘real’ (caused by a head on collision of dark matter and an atom) flashes. You can then throw into that all the cosmic rays and particle showers caused by cosmic rays – these further add to the noise swamping the precious flashes of light signaling a dark matter hit (and your Nobel prize…)

You can get away from the spurious flashes somewhat, by building your crystal out of the most pure material you can get – filtering out a lot of the natural radioactivity, and then running the experiment deep underground – or in the centre of a local mountain – to filter out much of the cosmic ray noise.

What you should see now are random flashes of light, some of which might be caused by dark matter impacts, and the rest caused by all the crud you haven’t managed to filter. What you need now, is a way to differentiate the signal (dark matter) from the noise (radioactive crud).

These Italian researchers are claiming to have done just that.

The Sun and the solar system are moving (at around 250 km/sec) though a background of dark matter that fills the galaxy. The earth circles the sun at around 30km/sec, so for half of the year the velocity of the earth though the dark matter is 250+30 km/sec and for the other half of the year, the figure is 250-30 km/sec. This difference in velocity of the earth through the DM background should show up as a difference in the number of flashes of light in your detector – you hit more DM when you plow though it faster than when you move though it more slowly.

This rather stunning graph seems to show just that.

Ignoring the first part of the graph, where the detector wasn’t working at maximum sensitivity (so from 0 to about 3000 days on the bottom axis) and concentrating on the rest of the data, it really looks like the error bars show a sinusoidal variation with time – this is what the black line is fitting to. The data goes up and down once per year.
This type of variation is exactly what you’d expect from differences in the number of particles hit as the earth change velocity (speed and direction) though the DM background.

So, have they found Dark Matter? Or do they have another bug in the detector? Too soon to call on it yet, but this is very interesting.

Published – well, kind of. And a nudge to google.

Thanks to the magic of flickr stats, I’ve been able to track views of specific photographs on my flickr stream. Now I usually get 20-50 views per day (aside from last month when a private set was getting a few hundred views per day for over a week) and one photo in particular keeps cropping up in the daily viewed list.

This one: Sea slater (Ligia oceanica)

Sea slater (Ligia oceanica)

I’d not bothered to consider why, until I received an email from a Hong Kong based publisher requesting permission to use that image in their new biology text book, to which I agreed (Published! Yay!)

A bit of further digging, and I found out that image is also the top hit on yahoo image search for Sea Slater and for Ligia oceanica. Flickr is owned by yahoo, so it makes sense that yahoo image search would index the flickr database and that the publishers found the photograph via yahoo image search.

Eager to see if my luck was as good on google image search, I searched for the same two terms that works on yahoo. Nadda. I’m not anywhere on the first 5 pages – I gave up looking after those. So, perhaps this post, when indexed by google, will also get my sea slater (Ligia oceanica) noticed.

Oh, the creature in the photo? It’s a marine dwelling relative of the common woodlouse. Looks a bit like a modern-day trilobite to me. There is some more into over at the wiki page.

Yes, this post was pretty much a blatant attempt to manipulate my GIS rank for that photo. Will it work?

Rationality 1 : Superstition 0

On 3 March 2008, in a popular TV show, Sanal Edamaruku, the president of Rationalist International, challenged India’s most “powerful” tantrik (black magician) to demonstrate his powers on him.

Minutes turned to hours as the tantrik tried spell after spell against Sanal Edamaruku, attempting to kill or harm him. Live on TV (attempted murder in front of hundreds of thousands if not millions of witnesses?).

Of course, the tantrik failed. More here.

90 and out.

Had to happen eventually, though he looked set to last forever, Clarke is no more.

I first discovered the writing of Arthur C. Clarke (or as Viz once memorably renamed him, “The Arthur of Space-1999, Author See Clarke”) in the early 1990s at the local library. I started with 2010 (2001 was on loan), thoroughly enjoyed it and skipped back to 2001 (making sense of 2010 in the process) as soon as it was available.

Then though the Rama series, various collaborations and short stories. He is one author I can come back to any time. I always end up reading one of his books on a flight. Shame about 3001 though, that really was no fitting end to the odyssey series.

Not really a writer’s writer, more an engineer with a gift for story telling. Sadly missed.

Local history Monday Tuesday

Whalebone Lane, bit of an odd name for a main road in a town not exactly famed for its whaling fleets, isn’t it? Well, the name derives from Whalebone House, that stood close to the junction of the modern-day High Road and Whalebone Lane. The house taking its name from the large whalebone arch that formed the main gate.

Whalebone House c1935

The house was destroyed in bombing in April 1941, not much survived, although the whalebones did, being transfered to Valance House, where they were recently rediscovered.

There had been a house on the site since at least 1667, the house shown in the photograph above dated from around 1747. What follows is a somewhat incomplete history of the house and owners:

  • c1667 Owned by a Mr. Bell (no further details)
  • c1747 Daniel Pilon constructed the house shown in the photograph.
  • 1783 Nicholas Peter Pilon
  • 1823 to 1846, used as a school by John Peacock
  • 1846 to 1855, owned by the Mull family. Sold off on August 10th 1885 by auction.
  • 1887 Alexander Anderson
  • 1889 to 1917 Philip Savill and Mrs M. Savill
  • 1920 Reginald Wood
  • 1922 Walter Hayter
  • before 1941, owned by Mrs Lester.

When exactly and why the whalebones made their appearance, I’ve not yet been able to discover – anyone know?