Buying condoms on petty cash

When you are practising science on a tiny budget you sometimes have to get creative with replacement equipment. The following happened nearly a year ago, I’ve just happened to find what I wrote at the time.

Taken from a chat log at the time.

[dtl-afk] I’m just about to ask stores to reimburse me from petty cash for a box of condoms, this could be interesting.
[friend] oh my. um, why?
[dtl-afk] we needed a thin flxeible tube, and the only thing we could think of was those
[dtl-afk] it sort of works
[friend] HAHAHA
[dtl-afk] cue me going to the chemist asking for “a box of thick unlubricated condoms please” “no we don’t have those” “oh, a box of extra safe then I suppose please”
[friend] i can just imagine the quartermaster going “are you sure you weren’t having a lunchtime quickie?”
[dtl-afk] quite probably knowing Alan (the storeman)

Stores were closed that day. I did get a ribbing next day when I made the claim. The things I do for science.


As of yesterday I’m now Dr. Dave. The interrogation took just under two and a quarter hours. Apart from one or two silly mistakes due to nerves early on there wasn’t any problem. There are now at least two more people that believe the two major points of my work.

I think that deserves a yay!


A couple of missed dates

My time for the last week or so has been taken up with revision to allow me to gain my PhD (hopefully this will happen tomorrow around 4 pm). Alas this has not left me time to comment on a couple of events I’d planned to post about.
Yesterday, the 10th saw the 150th birthday of one of my favourite scientists, Nikola Tesla. There is a roundup of Tesla goodness over here.
Tomorrow, the 12th, marks 70 years since the foundation stone was laid for the Dagenham Civic Centre. It took a further 14 months before construction was complete. The Dagenham Council moving from their cramped offices at Valance House to the spacious new facility.