At a visit to the LWC today, I saw a heron stalk, catch and eat a mouse-thing. Luckily I had the camera. The Stalking. The Catch. The Payoff. And swallow.
Category Archives: geeking
Now I have an xray machine to play with at work, I can take photographs of the insides of things. I shall make full use of this. Here’s an old transistor to start with. Image details : Mullard OC44 PNP Germanium transistor, glass envelope. 90kV polychromatic xrays, filtered with 1.5mm Al and 0.2 mm Cu. …
I needed a GPS antenna for a frequency standard I bought. So I built one.
Last week I went off to ISIS at RAL to fire neutrons at layers of fats and dye to find out how they stick together.I now have to crunch the data to see if we learned anything useful. I took some photos of the particle accelerator (while standing on top of it) and the neutron …
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