Dark matter is that weird stuff that is supposed to make up about 80% of all matter in the universe. It is invisible, and pretty much non-interacting (you can’t see it, and you can’t detect it (easily) by other means). One way you might detect it is to take a very pure crystal and look …
Category Archives: geeking
Published – well, kind of. And a nudge to google.
Thanks to the magic of flickr stats, I’ve been able to track views of specific photographs on my flickr stream. Now I usually get 20-50 views per day (aside from last month when a private set was getting a few hundred views per day for over a week) and one photo in particular keeps cropping …
Continue reading “Published – well, kind of. And a nudge to google.”
Today, via but she’s a girl I discovered an incredibly useful piece of software – Papers. Now I’m not the most tidy person in the world anyway, but when it comes to journal articles and papers I’m hopeless. I keep my references in a bibtex database managed by Jabref, but as for managing actual electronic …
Happy new year* *The Bad Astronomer explains just what a year is these days – saves me having to.
Sixty today
On on Dec. 16, 1947 – sixty years ago today – the world’s first transistor was constructed and tested at Bell Labs, New Jersey, USA. Those responsible for the device were William Shockley, the theorist and John Bardeen and Walter Brattain who actually constructed the first one. What started life as a heap of precariously …