Bullshit baffles brains?

The new job is going reasonably well, I’m not sure that I’m over-keen at being introduced to people as the solution to all their troubles, but I hope I can be useful. Tomorrow I have to entertain, persuade and divert some industrial partner visitors. Progress on the project they are coming to see is pretty …

Tech support to random neighbours…

The door bell rang earlier – I answered it to one of the lesser seen neighbours carrying a laptop. “Hello, I’m Brian from number 18, I wondered if you could do me a favour, Tony says you are good with computers.” “Hello, Er, Ok. What’s the problem?” Brian had been using someone else’s WiFi connection …

I hope we don’t find the Higgs

As I said yesterday, there are rumours that the Higgs particle may have already been spotted at the Tevatron thus rendering LHC at CERN a tad redundant, but what is the Higgs anyway? Basically the Higgs particle is the last particle predicted by the Standard Model. The Standard Model being the particle physics theory that …