In another life I was a particle physicist, or rather I become an engineer involved in the ATLAS detector at the LHC Cern. Things change, projects carry on and I quit to blow things up with big lasers. One of the primary stated aims of the LHC is to find the Higgs particle before any …
Category Archives: geeking
I’ve often wondered just what my cats get up to when they shoot out of the house in the morning heading for parts local, but unknown. I’ve pondered fitting them out with a camera to capture their day, but never done more then ponder it. A chap in America has taken the idea and made …
Eclipse photos
So, I took eclipse photos on Saturday night, I filled a 1gig SD card – though at 6 meg per photo in RAW format , that’s quite easy to do. I was hoping to get enough decent images to animate them, showing the progression of the eclipse. Far too many were out of focus to …
Total Lunar Eclipse
From 8pm onwards tonight look up to the sky, and weather permitting you will see the first total Lunar eclipse visible from the UK since 2004 (but you’d not have seen that one, because it was cloudy). Key times for the eclipse * Moon enters penumbra: 2018 * Moon enters umbra: 2130 * Totality begins: …
WinPic800 + Willem Programmer + Linux
I’ve just solved one of the last problems that had me booting into Windows every so often – being able to program Eproms and Pics. I’d never had much luck running WinPic800 or the eprom software under wine on linux. Now with the updated version of wine I’ve found I can. Yay! The following is …