Tomorrow sees me heading off to Cardiff for the ISSC-15 conference. Just under a week of geeking my particular variety of science with a few hundred like minded individuals at the UK’s premier surface science conference. Looking at the program, the will be talks on everything from ablation (my field) to catalysis to xenon adsorption …
Category Archives: geeking
LyX, PS2PDF and fonts
I’ve been using LyX (a What You Get Is What You Mean document processing system) to prepare various documents for a couple of years now. Since moving to the Mac I’ve had trouble with any PDFs I create using PS2PDF from LyX, all the text in the PDF became rendered vectors, rather than selectable text. …
A break from thesis writing.
The one downside to have had some very good news yesterday[1] is that I now have to spend a week making material to send away. This means at least two whole days in the lab, with all that entails (sulphur smells, strobe flashes from the laser, noise from the laser and other gear, etc). Then …
Photos, etc.
I’ve discovered iPhotoToGallery. A useful plugin to Apple’s iPhoto program on OSX. It allows direct exports from iPhoto to Gallery. Now I can update my Modest Project photos site at last. Pulling images out of iPhoto manually and running them through Gallery’s Java inteface was annoying to say the least. Some random ones from the …
Feedmap weirdness
I can’t seem to get Feedmap to work for me. No matter if I enter direct latitude and longitude coordinates or my address, feedmap still decides to put me somewhere in the North Yorkshire moors. Very odd. See? Nowhere near my real location of 51.541510 , 0.145774.