Clueful evil

The visitor turned out to be of the clueful-evil variety – a scientist turned administrative bean-counter. Luck had it that the lash-up experiment was buried under a pile of other equipment I’d just moved into the lab. I was honestly able to say I was working on sorting everything out. There was a brief discussion …

Bullshit baffles brains?

The new job is going reasonably well, I’m not sure that I’m over-keen at being introduced to people as the solution to all their troubles, but I hope I can be useful. Tomorrow I have to entertain, persuade and divert some industrial partner visitors. Progress on the project they are coming to see is pretty …


Having just had to suffer several hours of commercial radio due to builders some distance away with a loud radio, I needed to hear some decent music again. So does Bill Hicks… Bill Hicks at his most passionate – contains language Embedded video isn’t showing up for some reason, try the link instead.