So yesterday Diamond Geezer posted a list of ‘blogs that link to his, affable-lurking being among those listed and close to the start of the list (alphabetical order rather than a top ten list or anything). I thought I’d investigate if this drove any traffic towards my little corner of the internet. Basically, the answer …
Category Archives: General
A day in the life…
of a semi-employed physicist. 6:40 am – Wake up, locate glasses and laptop, check email from bed. No job offers have appeared overnight. 7:20 am – Head downstairs to make tea, start process of becoming less human. Watch BBC news, wonder about the standard of science reporting on TV. 8:00 am – Head to work …
A walk on the wild side – part 2…
is delayed until tomorrow. I went to see Spiderman 3 instead.
25 today.
Not me, I past that milestone far too long ago. The birthday celebration today is that of the Sinclair Spectrum computer. The computer I’ve probably spent the most time using, abusing and buggering about with. Twenty-five years on and there is still an active bunch of developers and users.
My other home
After languishing unloved and un-updated for the last year or three, I’ve finally got around to doing something with my original home on the internet – Off has gone the crappy old design, and in has come MediaWiki. So I might actually start to update it and use it how I originally intended. At …