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Category Archives: General
Creatures from the deep
Ok, it isn’t physics but how can I not love an animal who’s name translates from Latin as Bone Eating Snot Flower ? Electron microscope image of the head of the worm Cute isn’t it? More information over at deepsea news and the BBC
More ice and silicon pillars
My work has headed in a slightly different direction over the last couple of weeks, we’ve become much more interested in the nano-scale silicon spikes I described here . We are now pretty sure we can tie together the ice spike phenomenon with the silicon pillar spikes. We have good reason to believe the spikes …
Extreme Natural Hazards
I’ve just received my confirmation / reminder email for my place on the Extreme Natural Hazards conference later this month at the Royal Society in London. Two days of talks and discussions about the various ways the world is trying to kill us off. The conference is free to attend and I believe you can …
Damp squib
Despite some sun at dawn, it was a bog standard overcast grey day in London by 10am. The bright patch on the horizon didn’t expand enough to let me see the sun and hence the eclipse from the roof in Mile End where I’d set up the camera with filters. It seems people in Essex …