
Several explosions on London Underground , possible train crash at Kings Cross station, bus explosion at Russell Square. update: 12:30 Now claiming 2 dead, many injured. 7 explosions. And of course ID cards would have prevented all this [/sarcasm] update: 17:56 Well the story is all over the news now. at least 32 dead, many …

Off for a bit. Or Why I lothe and detest and want to maimstabmurderdeathkill powerpoint.

Tomorrow sees me heading off to Cardiff for the ISSC-15 conference. Just under a week of geeking my particular variety of science with a few hundred like minded individuals at the UK’s premier surface science conference. Looking at the program, the will be talks on everything from ablation (my field) to catalysis to xenon adsorption …

And the results are in…

LABOUR HOLD – Jonathan Cruddas Result declared May 06 2005 02:23 No surprise there then. The 2005 general election Jonathan Cruddas, …. Labour 15,446 votes 50.1% Michael White, …. Conservative 7,841 votes 25.4% James Kempton, …. Liberal Democrat 3,106 votes 10.1% Lawrence Rustem, …. British National Party 2,870 votes 9.3% Gerard Batten, …. UK Independence …