Not that I watch my visitor stats obsessively or anything, but after appearing first on diamond geezer’s (alphabetically ordered) sites-wot-link-here list yesterday, I thought I’d see if the link sent any traffic in my direction. Google Analytics claims at least 13 people clicked though to me, some of those that visited even went back and …
Category Archives: meta
Tagged – belated update.
I’ve been tagged by Ben to list six random things about myself. Here goes. My superpower is the ability to detect minute quantities of cucumber from large distances. It is rarely of use to anyone. I bake terrible cakes. The last book I read was The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie. I finished it on …
The post I was going to make…
has been delayed by the fact something is dying/has died/is under stress in my Powerbook’s LCD. So I can’t type for long before all goes dark. I hope it is a dodgy wire. I suspect it is the backlight inverter. I really, really hope it isn’t the backlight.
Traffic & Wantz
So yesterday Diamond Geezer posted a list of ‘blogs that link to his, affable-lurking being among those listed and close to the start of the list (alphabetical order rather than a top ten list or anything). I thought I’d investigate if this drove any traffic towards my little corner of the internet. Basically, the answer …
As of yesterday I’m now Dr. Dave. The interrogation took just under two and a quarter hours. Apart from one or two silly mistakes due to nerves early on there wasn’t any problem. There are now at least two more people that believe the two major points of my work. I think that deserves a …