Category Archives: photos
Fenchurch Street to Limehouse – The long way. Part one: Fenchurch St to the Thames
A couple of weeks ago I took a ‘cruise’ down the Thames from Tower Bridge to Greenwhich, on the way I noticed and had pointed out many interesting things and places along the river. Saturday I decided to go explore some of those on the North bank of the Thames on foot [1]. The first …
Sorry for lack up recent updates. I’ve left the laptop at work (my preffered system for writings posts involves the latop a nice cool beer and a period of sitting on the roof in the early evening) and it is too bloomin’ hot to sit at the computer. There are a couple of science posts …
Photos, etc.
I’ve discovered iPhotoToGallery. A useful plugin to Apple’s iPhoto program on OSX. It allows direct exports from iPhoto to Gallery. Now I can update my Modest Project photos site at last. Pulling images out of iPhoto manually and running them through Gallery’s Java inteface was annoying to say the least. Some random ones from the …
New Camera
I’ve traded in my old Sony DSC-P32 digital camera for something a bit better – the Fujifilm S3500. I now have quite a bit more control over the images I take. Not quite full manual control, but a lot better than point and shoot. This was one of the first pictures I took with the …