A foreign invader for EDWT

These bank holidays screw up your sense of time… I meant to post this on Wednesday. The small smudge towards the middle of the leaf is my non-traditional entry for EDW this week. Here is a zoom so we can really see the beauty of this little foreign invader. This is Eupteryx decemnotata a Southern …

Bullshit baffles brains?

The new job is going reasonably well, I’m not sure that I’m over-keen at being introduced to people as the solution to all their troubles, but I hope I can be useful. Tomorrow I have to entertain, persuade and divert some industrial partner visitors. Progress on the project they are coming to see is pretty …

I hope we don’t find the Higgs

As I said yesterday, there are rumours that the Higgs particle may have already been spotted at the Tevatron thus rendering LHC at CERN a tad redundant, but what is the Higgs anyway? Basically the Higgs particle is the last particle predicted by the Standard Model. The Standard Model being the particle physics theory that …