An early awakening

Around 5:30 this morning I was rudely awoken from odd dreams about plastic jewellery by loud voices outside my window.

Looking out, this was the scene that greeted me.

The pipe was happily disgorging hundreds of liters of water per minute, washing away the sub-surface of the road. The water carried the mud and silt around Osborne Square, leaving a nice sticky film everywhere.

Islands on the air 2018

I’m up at the Secret Nuclear Bunker this appeals for the islands on the air radio contest.

I’d hoped to see the Luna eclipse too but the weather wasn’t playing along. The storms passed us by, but the clouds were set for the night.

This is the current view, as we bask in the sun.


Just off the train from St Pancras. First sight from the station was this wonderful pile of bikes.

Later that evening, sitting by the wheel house of the boat.


A rather different Christmas this year for me. Rather than wake up in my own bed in my own house as I have for many years, I upped and left for some winter sun on the Costa Blanca.

Having been here for several days so far, I’ve been up the hills (waking paths seem almost non existent, and roads don’t quite meet up), visited Valencia and Alecante. Public transport is very good and reasonably priced. A roundtrip to Valencia taking about 4 hours costing less than 30 euros.

Christmas morning was spent on the beach.

Barking and Dagenham, borough of culture?

Via The Dagenham Post and Diamond Geezer’s ‘blog I discover that Barking and Dagenham are competing for the role of London Borough of Culture.

Alas, I missed any mention of this before the launch event, which DG has covered as part of his exploration of the borough’s historic features, else I’d have taken a day off work and gone along.

When I started this website, well over a decade ago, I did intend to write more and explore more of the area in which I live, as with most things this quick fell by the wayside. Writing stuff up is always much less interesting – to me anyway – that actually doing the stuff.

Over the coming holiday season, I will try to get the old photos of Dagenham back up, and where possible try to take a modern image for comparison. It won’t always be possible, despite there being little real building churn for many years, things are starting to happen and some sight-lines I know would have worked, are no longer possible.

Anyway, most of written here in a while. I will make an effort to write more. Content is king, or something.