The night sky

Spending the weekend on lake Pokegama (Po- Keg-Ama, not Pokey-Gamma) in  Grand Rapids gave a nice opportunity to get some really dark skies for astronomy and astrophotography. The first evening was overcast until well past my bed-time. The second evening was pretty special.

Around 10pm, the milky way was glowing overhead,  the constellations were hard to pick out as there were many more background stars than a London based sky-watcher normally sees.

Ursa Major & Minor
Ursa Major & Minor

I took some photographs, of course. The settings were 18mm focal length, infinity focus, 20sec exposure time, and remote control shutter release (to avoid camera shake).

Continue reading “The night sky”

Solar eclipse October 2014

An unexpected bonus of being in the US this October was the chance to see the partial solar eclipse.
A simple setup with a nature spotting telescope let me grab this image.


A large sunspot group is just visible vanishing behind both the moon and the silhouette of the house on the other side of the street.