They paid £400,000* for this?
London 2012 - WTF?

It’s graffiti isn’t it?

Couldn’t they have given Daniel Halpin (the TOX-03 guy from the tube) a small grant and got him to spray LDN-12 everywhere instead? Just as much of an eyesore, but a damn sight cheaper.

* Note: This number may have been pulled from my arse, but I doubt it is far wrong.

EDIT: Wow, I guessed correctly on the price.


I’ve often wondered just what my cats get up to when they shoot out of the house in the morning heading for parts local, but unknown.

I’ve pondered fitting them out with a camera to capture their day, but never done more then ponder it. A chap in America has taken the idea and made it work Projekte CatCam. The cat’s trip starts here.

Engineering I approve of.

Not your usual Essex birds…

The Chase Nature Reserve had an open day / fayre / fun run today. I flaked out on my resolution to run in the race this year but I went along for the fayre and to take photos.

The lovely weather saw a good turnout and there were several displays from the rangers, local art clubs, bee keepers, the emergency services and a falconry display team. Amazingly it was possible to get a cold drink for less than a quid (60p) and an ice cream for less than two-quid (£1.20) – something I doubt will be possible at next month’s Town Show.

The Dagenham Post photographer was doing sterling work capturing the sweaty masses crossing the finishing line – I turned my lens to more majestic sights.

Bald Eagle
North American Bald Eagle
Hooded Vulture
Hooded Vulture from Africa
Indian Scops Owl (Otus lettia)
Indian Scops Owl

Traffic & Wantz

So yesterday Diamond Geezer posted a list of ‘blogs that link to his, affable-lurking being among those listed and close to the start of the list (alphabetical order rather than a top ten list or anything). I thought I’d investigate if this drove any traffic towards my little corner of the internet.

Basically, the answer is no. Or at least undecidable. My daily visitors number around 10-20, this did not really change much yesterday. I shall have to wait until the end of the week to check out the weekly stats to see if this picture changes much.

One thing I did notice is that around 15% of my traffic comes from people searching google for “Wantz stream”. Now I posted about this stream in May last year, a post I thought would be of no interest to anyone apart from myself. Why do I get so much traffic to that post, and why does no one ever comment or email me about it? Are schools setting a project about the stream? I’ve no idea.

As it seems there is possible interest, I shall post more of my findings about that stream and others in Dagenham in the next week.

If you’ve ended up here after searching for information about Wantz, or Eastbrook or Wythenbroke, please leave a comment or email me and let me know what your interest is.