Missing Anniversaries. Monday 2020/4/20 Swelling in my arm has started to subside. Still chowing down on antibiotics. Tuesday 2020/4/21 A year ago today, I was in Chesterfield. Wednesday 2020/4/22 Some more motion in my arm and much less pain, decided to make the most of the unseasonable weather and clear skies and do some astronomy. …
Category Archives: Photographic
Quarantine – Week Three.
Social Self-distancing Monday 2020/3/30 Found out another acquaintance had died, this time not from the virus. Rest well Marc. Marked science reports. Tuesday 2020/3/31
 More marking today. Looked over presentation for interview. Wednesday 2020/04/01
 Student mentor session in morning, remote job interviewing afternoon. It went well. Thursday 2020/04/02
 Getting ready for the Icon ConserveAtHome talk …
Winter Astronomy
I was really looking forward to the winter of 2019/2020, long dark nights, clear skies, low humidity, and lots of bright deep sky objects to observe and image. I’d planned ahead and worked out what would likely be best seen on what days, and what settings and equipment I’d use to record those archaic photons. …
Bode’s Galaxy
Another year has flown by with not as much time for astronomy and astrophotography as I’d like. Light pollution is terrible from my observing location in East London, so only the brightest deep sky objects are really suitable targets for me (at least until I get a decent filter, or go for narrowband imaging £££). …
Christmas 2019
Christmas is always a bitter-sweet time for me, I’m not one for big family get-togethers and my family seem to enjoy dying at the end of the year too. Over the years at least four have popped their clogs between Xmas Eve and New year. Let’s hear a hearty FUCK CANCER here too. This year …