Oak leaf wine. Part one.

I’m not quite sure where I can upon the idea of Oak Leaf wine, but after the success last year with Dandelion wine, it seemed a fun idea to brew with oak leaves.  There are a few recipes  floating around the ‘net and published in wine making books, I decided to use this “young oak leaf” …

Dandelion wine – or – That was Easter Monday

Making dandelion wine is a messy business; First you have to collect ~400 grams of flowers, then you have to separate out the petals: Then boil them all up with sugar, raisins and some orange peel: And then hope it ferments into something nice. Fingers crossed, that in six months to a year, we’ll have …

Something’s crawling in my hair.

It’s a flying ant day here in London. The parks and pavements have been covered in large, brownish, winged & wingless females looking for somewhere to start a new colony. Winged garden ant female after nuptial flight. Wingless female garden ant, after nuptial flight. Stubs of wings visible on second body segment. Some of the …