5 REM It’s all going to pot
10 PRINT "Has the government fallen yet?"
20 PAUSE 60: REM Units decrease by order of magnitude per hour
30 GOTO 10
Seaside postcards
I went to Eastbourne for my birthday.
I’m rather liking the camera on the Google Pixel 6, it’ll never match what I can do with my SLR, but I don’t carry the SLR around much anymore because phone cameras have got so good.
The worst prime minister of your life
So far?
I heard on the radio the announcement of Liz Truss being selected, I was pottering in my shed on a day off work. I was making cider from some windfall apples. Will the cider last longer than the new PM?
Tea and Cake
There’s a nice place in Kent, close to a castle and a palace, that’s very good for afternoon Tea. We go there a few times per year.
We went yesterday, and took the dog.