Another Missed Anniversary. Monday 2020/4/27 Last of the antibiotics today. Received a very nice letter of support for a project at work. Do feel a little guilty as i only names me, but then I am the person that’ had all the contact with the letter writer and I’ve made things very clear in talks …
Category Archives: Personal
Quarantine – Week six
Missing Anniversaries. Monday 2020/4/20 Swelling in my arm has started to subside. Still chowing down on antibiotics. Tuesday 2020/4/21 A year ago today, I was in Chesterfield. Wednesday 2020/4/22 Some more motion in my arm and much less pain, decided to make the most of the unseasonable weather and clear skies and do some astronomy. …
Quarantine – Week Five
Illness in the time of pandemic. Monday 2020/4/13 Easter Monday, tidied up at home to try to find some parts to repair and old radio. A patch of dry skin on my elbow cracked and bled a little. I put some Sudocream on it and thought nothing much of it. Got a bit sore later …
Quarantine – Week Three.
Social Self-distancing Monday 2020/3/30 Found out another acquaintance had died, this time not from the virus. Rest well Marc. Marked science reports. Tuesday 2020/3/31
 More marking today. Looked over presentation for interview. Wednesday 2020/04/01
 Student mentor session in morning, remote job interviewing afternoon. It went well. Thursday 2020/04/02
 Getting ready for the Icon ConserveAtHome talk …
Quarantine – Week Two.
Self Isolating To The MAX! Monday 2020/3/23 Found out an acquaintance had died with symptoms of the virus. Rest well Simon. Clear night – imaged M81 Tuesday 2020/3/24 Didn’t go to donate platelets today. Trains were far too busy to be safe. Kitchen work started. Slow cooker chicken stew for dinner. Wednesday 2020/03/25 Meetings on …